Microgalactic Space Invasion - Hackteria Workshop with Gaudi & Dusjagr

Studio EXPERIMENTAL GAME CULTURES - Prof. Margarete Jahrmann with Georg Tremml

We are pleased to announce a forthcoming workshop on the exciting and interdisciplinary topics of microgalactic space invasion, waterflea (Daphnia magna), LED geeking, and bioart.

This workshop, to be held in the cultural hub of Vienna, will explore the intersection of science and art through hands-on experimentation and discussion.

The workshop will begin with a discussion on the intriguing concept of microgalactic space invasion, delving into the potential for small organisms from other planets to exist and thrive within our own microcosmic world. Participants will then have the opportunity to observe and study the fascinating waterflea, Daphnia magna, as a model system for understanding the impacts of microgalactic invasion.

Next, participants will have the chance to geek out on LED technology, learning about the science behind these energy-efficient lights and creating their own LED-based projects. The workshop will conclude with a discussion on the intersection of biology and art through the medium of bioart. Participants will have the opportunity to view and discuss examples of bioart, and will even have the chance to create their own bioart piece to take home.

Throughout the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to engage in interactive design activities, finding creative solutions to problems and designing their own projects. The workshop will be held in the vibrant city of Vienna, offering ample opportunity for cultural enrichment and collaboration with international colleagues.

We hope that you will join us for this exciting and unique workshop, where science and art intersect in the exploration of microgalactic space invasion, waterflea biology, LED technology, and bioart.


the honorary "Doktor der Naturwissenschaften und globusbewanderter Workshopologe", Marc R. Dusseiller

and distinguished "Diplom-Ingenieur and selbsterlernter Obermeister der Künste", Urs D. Gaudenz