#SUBOTRON Life Pitch Competition
We were happy to host :
#SUBOTRON Live Pitch Competition of Austrian Student Projects 2024
November 22 at the Experimental Game Culture studio at Angewandte in the iconic building of Expositur PSK

Live pitches of this years five finalists in the Subotron Competition and feedback from games expert jury:
Ellen Hume (Head of Production ustwo games / Woman in Games Ambassador, London)
Margarete Jahrmann (Artist / Prof. Experimental Game Cultures, University of Applied Arts Vienna)
Eberhard Dürrschmid (CEO Golden Whale Productions / Serial Entrepreneur / Consultant)
Dietmar Hauser (Principal Software Engineer Epic Games)
It was a lively discussion and a blast to mingle with the Austrian Game Dev scene!
Thank you Subotron for organizing this evening and competitions!