
We think hard-about the world in play, not only in our study program, but also in our research projects that we are consistently hosting at our department.

With these artistic research projects we also foster an active discourse with our students and colleagues from different partners. We believe that this experimental approach is central to the LUDIC METHOD that we advance in our department.

Neuromatic Game Art - Critical Play With Neurointerfaces AR 581

Project lead: Margarete Jahrmann
Research Partners: Mark Coeckelbergh (Technophilosophy. University of Vienna)/ Stefan Glasauer (Neuroscience, )/ Ruth Schnell (Media Art).

Supported by the Austrian Research Fund FWF/PEEK, national and international research partners, Philosophy of Media and Technology University of Vienna, Game Design Zurich University of the Arts and Computational Neuroscience Brandenburg Technical University. 

Research fellows: Thomas Wagensommerer, Charlotta Ruth, Georg Luif, Zarko Aleksic, Anna Dobrosovestnova.

The genres of game art, game design, art and games are gaining in importance in the context of artistic research because they allow empirical methods and direct experience.

Ludic experiments in the form of neurogames and the transformative potential of games serve as a theoretical framework for a discourse on publicly conducted artistic experiments, resistance to social conditions and the handling of personal data.

The Psycholudic Approach - Exploring Play For A Viable Future AR 787

Project Lead: Margarete Jahrmann, Experimental Game Cultures, University of Applied Arts Vienna

Project Partners: Brigitte Felderer, Social Design, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Matthew Pelowski, Department of Cognition, Emotion, and Methods in Psychology, University of Vienna, Stefan Glasauer, Computational Neuroscience, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus.

Supported by the Austrian Research Fund FWF/PEEK, national and international research partners, Philosophy of Media and Technology University of Vienna and Computational Neuroscience Brandenburg Technical University.